Top 8 Benefits of Robot Pool Cleaners

Top 8 Benefits of Robot Pool Cleaners

Physically cleaning a swimming pool is one of the most dreadful tasks pool owners face. After all, a pool is all about relaxing, soaking in some sun, and enjoyment with friends.

Unfortunately, having fun in the pool is only the tip of the iceberg. The rest of the iceberg can be found in the pool maintenance you need to do to enjoy your pool. This is why many pool owners opt to buy a robot cleaner, and you should too.

If you don’t already own a robot pool cleaner, keep reading to find out what the top 8 benefits of robot pool cleaners are.

Environmentally friendly

Modern robot pool cleaners (RPC) are eco-friendly and this is one of their best benefits. Firstly, RPCs run underwater and don’t produce any harmful chemicals. That means you, your family and the surrounding environment are perfectly safe. Additionally, RPCs don’t produce any gases, unlike many other robotic devices.

Energy efficient

Robot pool cleaners are kind of like air conditioning units. They don’t consume as much electricity as people think they do. RPCs don’t consume high amounts of voltage. In fact, they consumer about as much electricity as a regular light bulb – about 60 – 70 watts/hour. So, you’re saving time and money.

Money saver

RPCs go beyond saving you money on electricity, particularly for businesses. If you run/own any sort of commercial pool i.e. aquatic centre then an RPC will help reduce some of your staff costs. An RPC is a one-time investment that takes up a little bit of electricity. Staff, on the other, require you pay their wage/salary, super etc. Now, if you’re a residential pool owner that’s sick of cleaning your pool manually, an RPC will save you from having to pay for expensive pool cleaning services.

Maintains safe pool chemicals

RPCs reduce the amount of chemicals that you need to use to keep your pool clean. Pool disinfectants can have a high level of chlorine concentration – between 10% and 90%. These chemicals are mostly used to rid a swimming pool of algae and other bacteria. RPCs use advanced brushing technology to scrub away dust, algae and bacteria from all parts of your pool. This means that there is less work that the chemicals need to do.

Water saver

Blockage of pipes and filters is an issue that requires backwashing and wastes large amounts of water. Swimming pool systems have meters worth of pipes bending leading to a pump and then filter. Dirt particles get sucked through to the filter where they often stay until their backwashed. As we mentioned, backwashing wastes quite a bit of water. RPCs independently remove dirt and debris from the pump. This means that your filter will get clogged less often and require less backwashing.

Low maintenance

RPCs are low maintenance and this is another one of their major benefits. An RPCs only job is to collect dirt. Conveniently, RPCs have self-contained filter bags, which means that you don’t need to do any backwashing to remove dirt that the RPC collects. Simply take out the bag, remove the dirt, and put the bag back in. Simple!

Advanced cleaning technology

RPCs have superior cleaning capabilities that both humans and circulation pump filters. Their job is to navigate the pool walls and floor (including corners) and suck out all pollutants. This means, internal pollutants such as algae, dust and microscopic bacteria, as well as external pollutants such as human sweat, urine (don’t be one of those people), and suntan lotions. Also, they can get rid of pollutants carried into the pool by wind i.e. leaves, pollens, twigs etc.

Plug and play

Finally, an RPC epitomises what pool ownership is all about – leisure! RPCs are plug and play. This means you don’t need to worry about following a manual to assemble the device. There is some setting up to do i.e. pool size and intensity of cleaning, but that’s like setting your washing machine. Other than that, however, you simply take out your RPC, turn it on, put it in the water, and you’re ready to go. That’s all there is to it!